I'm fifty-five years old, I've been cycling for 30+ years, I've been roadbiking for a long time, but I've never used a smart trainer, I've never owned it. At most once a year, when I did an data analisis on an FTP test. Is the indoor trainer boring? I always said, as many people have said, that indoor trainer is boring. This is not like real cycling. I don't compete, so the form and performance are needed from April - May, and for that it's enough to prepare from February. We rest in December, we start slowly in January, and in February you can mostly go outside. In the past, I used to ride a mountain bike, and now I've been riding a road bike. The winters are getting warmer, practically in this climate you can cycling in January in earm clothes. In fact! For example, in the winter of 2023 from December to February we rode in an average temperature of about 8-12 degrees. Sometimes in February in short bib and at the end of December in 15 degrees. Last January I rode almost 1000 km outside, by the time I reached April, I had 3000 km. Outside. So the indoor training was unnecessary for me, I didn't need it, I didn't want it. There's also a pride-like thought in people that I'll show them how to do it without a trainer. What a bastard I am to push it 1-2 degrees outside. In summary: the experience was that in winter the period when you can't cycle outside is short bib: because we never go in wet, slippery, snowy weather. But so far, this has only been 1-2 weeks in each winter season. Back then, it was a forced rest. Of course, almost all of my friends pushed it
I’m fifty-five years old, I’ve been cycling for 30+ years, I’ve been roadbiking for a long time, but I’ve never used a smart trainer, I’ve never owned it. At most once a year, when I did an data analisis on an FTP test. Is the indoor trainer boring? I always