We tested the Bicske – Csabdi – Tarján bicycle route
Smooth, new asphalt towards Tarján.

Last week our group cycle a round. Between Mány and Csabdi, on the small service road next to the motorway we noticed that a new bicycle road was crossing the road. it was written on a traffic sign: Bicske on the left, Tarján on the right . We do a lot of cycle around, but we didn’t really know what it was. We take to Chabdi on the main road, there we saw the new asphalt and signs, but then we turned towards Nagyegyháza and took our original tour.

In today’s cycling we decided to go to the Héreg climb while we looking at what is this new path. We do a lot of tours towards Tarján anyway if it successful, there will be a new route along the Tarján – Szomor section.

We ride a bicycle near and between the Csapdi fishing lake.
A Csabdi horgásztó mellett és között kerékpározunk el.

We are probably not the only ones who did not know that something was built here. Now, after I checked and was surprised to learn that part of the new cycle path we discovered was part of a larger section, from Tarján to Etyek, then from Etyek to Lake Balaton, so bypassing Budapest from the Danube, we can reach Balaton. Of course, the question is what is mean by new bicycle path, because the area around the Etyek (where we also cycle a lot) has been painted the yellow bicycle sign for several roads…

In any case 80-90% of the section now tested is completely new bike rout. But let’s see the details!

A Csabdi - Tarján kerékpárút
The Csabdi – Tarján cycle path. Downloads and detailed maps at the end of the article!

Our route took us from Biatorbagy to Herceghalom and to the “service road” to Bicske along the Route 1. We thought we were going to find this way in Bicske that we saw last week. But we found it before Bicske: just as the service road would cross Route 1 before Bicske, the sign of the bicycle path was right and the new asphalt was visible. We started on the road.

After Csapdi on the old road.
After Csabdi on the old road.

The road is wide enough, the first hundreds of meters between the vineyards, there are an old, dead wine cellars, then the Csabdi fishing lake. Very cozy! In this par, it is clear that an earlier dirty road has been paved and in addition to cars are used. Beside the fishing lake the road is narrower but nicely painted. Then we crossed the highway under and then reached where we saw the bike path last week.

Before Vászolypuszta, at the junction.
Before Vászolypuszta, at the junction.

We cycled further and entered a relatively wide road to Chabdi by the Szent László Creek. After a right turn we followed the older roads and then reached the road to Tarján, where a wide enough road for pedestrians was built. Then at the end of the village have to go up on the good quality highway. Leaving Csabdi we followed the highway, we knew and loved this road.

We reached the intersection where we used to turn (to the left) towards Nagyegyháza in the Szár round. The cycling signs clearly indicated that Tarján was on the way. We have never been on this road, but it is very good to move on, nice road, nice environment. In front of Vasztélypuszta the new bicycle path turns to the left and from there the “miracle” begins.

Before Vászolypuszta, at the junction.
Before Vászolypuszta, at the junction.

All the way to Tarjan a ca. 3 m wide, paved bicycle asphalt road was made as if we were in Austria… We didn’t even believe there was such a road built in the middle of nowhere, between the hills. We hadn’t been to this before, probably a gravel or dirt road had existed before, it was clear from the trail that there was some kind of road.

The new bike path is well-built, it is smooth, the bike rolls nice. The curbs are promising anyway, we hope the foundation is fine. It is already visible that the cars are also use it, exits from hidden farms (not many). Hope the Tarján – Csabdi that car traffic will not follow this road.

Smooth, new asphalt towards Tarján.
Smooth, new asphalt towards Tarján.

The road is surrounded by beautiful, gentle hills, vineyards and forests. We also cut a fishing lake in one place. The level is very moderated, sometimes you have to climb 20-30 m difference in level, there are hills, but this path can be taken with family and children. By the way, the entire 19-km section will take approx. 80 m level. Resting places were built in two points, so even the infrastructure was built (big applause).

Reaching Tarjan, the road splits into two, if you keep to the left, you will reach a very good Bavarian restaurant, the Öreg favágó Pub, where you can even have lunch or dinner. The road for us from the Bicske drive up to Tarján approx. It was 19 km, even closer to Chabdi.

We cross a fishing lake towards Tarjan.
We cross a fishing lake towards Tarjan.

Summary: I think (who doesn’t?) that this is an example and a very good direction. Obviously it will turn out how well they are built, how much the cars will use, and how much agricultural machine will carry (as they already do). But beyond that it’s a very enjoyable and well-constructed cycle path. We were whit a roadbikes and the asphalt is perfect.

Another question is how does the road fit into the larger road network, but as I read, there is a plan. It is already very well connected, as it is easy to get from Tata to Tarján, and even from the Danube it is a bicycle path to Tata and from Bicske it is a good approach to Felcsút, Alcsút and Etyek. (Here’s an article on Dunazug’s TOP Bike Rides!)

I would very much like to see such roads built, not only up to the Etyek, but throughout the country. Or if, for example, the Lake Balaton cycle path will be like this I will clap in advance (hope dies last). I’m pretty sure if that were the direction, more people would cycle.

A small bonus is that the Dunazug region, the Tarjan section has a new route that you can cycle with a roadbike. When we come back from Bajót or Tata I don’t really like the Tarján – Szomor – Zsámbék route and the quality is not very good either. I would rather go for it.

End of the road at the restaurant in Tarján.
End of the road at the restaurant in Tarján.


A map of the Bicske – Csabdi – Tarján bike path is here (Garmin Connect). Note that is inaccurate approx. 1 km at Bicske after the lakes, because the maps don’t know the new route yet!

Today’s tour with the map is available here (with exact details):

Garmin Connect
The whole tour – Héreg round GPX letölthető innen.
Only this path GPX. innen tölthető le.

More pictures

The new road begins at Bicske
The new road begins at Bicske


Under the highway
Under the highway


Az autópálya után keresztezzük a Mány - Csapdi "szervízutat".
Az autópálya után keresztezzük a Mány – Csabdi “szervízutat”.


Before Vászolypuszta, at the junction.
Before Vászolypuszta, at the junction.


Rest rooms were also built.
Rest rooms were also built.


Towards Tarján.
Tarján felé.

About Author

57. évem pedálját taposom, a bike4fun vállalkozás vezetője, túravezetője vagyok. Hobbim a munkám. Szabadidőmben tekerek és / vagy a családdal vagyok.


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