Try an electric bike! Saturday, Oct. 3, 2020, 9:00 AM<br>

Ebike test day at Normafa!<br>

Are you interested in e-bikes, but haven’t been able to try one yet? Have you tried one, but are you curious about our premium e-bikes? Would you like to buy one, but don’t know how? Do you have a question, but no one to ask? Come to our test day! and are organizing a joint e-bike day on the first Saturday of October, at Normáfa in Budapest! You can test and try out our e-bikes at the event. You can talk to us, we can give you advice and help. The event is free, you just have to register on the next tab!


Are you interested, but don’t know anything about electric bikes yet? We’ve written everything in this article! Check out this page to see what bikes you can test!


The event will be held on the first Saturday of October (October 3rd) from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The rainiest day is Sunday (October 4th). If the weather is so bad that we can’t hold it, we’ll meet you at the same place the following weekend!


The test day will be held in Budapest, at Normafa. The center will be next to the Normafa parking lot, right near the barrier entrance, at this location: ebike test day location (google map) Map:

ebike test day location

Fill out the form to register!

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    If you have any questions, write to us or call us, you can find the contact details on the contact page!